
Adventure Consultancy Latest News

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Autumn 2021

As we come to the end of another slightly different year, its still been a productive one for Adventure Consultancy.

Media Work – Filming projects abroad were all put on hold however media work did stay closer to home where we were involved with a number of productions. This included Netflix’s’ ‘The Witcher’, Sky TV ‘A league of the Own’ and the latest Amazon Grand Tour Special ‘Lochdown’ was recently released – another challenging shoot as their location advisors and safety cover.

As a result of over 15 years experience working with production teams we are super excited to be working with Rescue 3 Europe in designing a fleet of courses especially for production crew members, to be launched next year – more on that to follow.

New Pods – we also recently completed the development of our ‘on site pods’ at our main site this summer. These are available for general bookings as well as offering on site course accommodation for customers.

Sweden Visit – In 2020 our normal visit to Nepal to run the river and mountain guide assessments for the Swedish College was cancelled with the priority to get the students home at the start of Covid. We have recently returned from Sweden having spent 10 days with the students to enable them to eventually complete their course 18 months later than scheduled!

Aberoutdoors  – Our other business based in Aberystwyth had a great recovery for the second half of the year with lots of visitors and locals hiring SUP’s and Kayaks, attending tuition or coming along on one of our guided trips. Aberoutdoors is now open juts at weekend for kit sales and hire and is still running tuition and guided trips through October

WSA SUP Accredited School – Whilst in Sweden  we were also asked to spend time in Malmo running the staff training and assisting to set up the first WSA SUP school in the country.

2021 Courses – we have recently added the dates for the remaining courses running through 2021.